jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015


Algo más que amigos (1971)
"Friends" (original title)
With one of their fathers recently deceased and the other hardly there, fate brings together fourteen-year-old Michelle Latour (Anicée Alvina) and fifteen-year-old Paul Harrison (Sean Bury) in a chance encounter at the zoo. The young orphaned girl has been taken in by her cousin who doesn't want her, and the rich English boy has a father who is always away on business. Instant friends, they flee Paris on a whim, and take refuge in a tiny cottage owned by the girl's father in the Camargue near Arles in the South of France. With only each other and a growing love blossoming between them, they make a new life for themselves. Michelle gets pregnant, so they "get married" by simulating a ceremony, by following an actual wedding performed in the local church. It is just the pure innocence of youth that puts Paul and Michelle apart from the adults. Soon, a baby is born to them, with Paul acting as midwife with the know-how the couple picked up from reading a book on how babies are born that Paul bought at a bookshop in Arles. They baptize the infant by themselves at the same church. Michelle begins to raise their infant named Sylvie while Paul goes to work everyday. Everything is idyllic until the police finally locate the boy's workplace.


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